
Badge API

想要学习更多组件属性和 CSS API,可以查阅 React Badge 组件的 API 文档。


import Badge from '@mui/material/Badge';
// 或
import { Badge } from '@mui/material';
您可以通过 阅读本指南以最小化捆包大小 来了解这种差异。


The name MuiBadge can be used when providing default props or style overrides in the theme.


BadgeUnstyled 组件的属性也是可用的。

anchorOrigin{ horizontal: 'left'
| 'right', vertical: 'bottom'
| 'top' }
{ vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'right', }
The anchor of the badge.
The content rendered within the badge.
The badge will be added relative to this node.
Override or extend the styles applied to the component. See CSS API below for more details.
| 'primary'
| 'secondary'
| 'error'
| 'info'
| 'success'
| 'warning'
| string
The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
The component used for the root node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
components{ Badge?: elementType, Root?: elementType }{}
The components used for each slot inside the Badge. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
componentsProps{ badge?: object, root?: object }{}
The props used for each slot inside the Badge.
If true, the badge is invisible.
Max count to show.
| 'rectangular'
Wrapped shape the badge should overlap.
Controls whether the badge is hidden when badgeContent is zero.
| object
| bool>
| func
| object
The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. See the `sx` page for more details.
| 'standard'
| string
The variant to use.

ref 则会被传递到根元素中。


尽管上文没有明确记载, <1>BadgeUnstyled 组件 的 props 也在 Badge上可用。 您可以将此用于 <3>目标嵌套组件


root.MuiBadge-rootStyles applied to the root element.
badge.MuiBadge-badgeClass name applied to the badge `span` element.
dot.MuiBadge-dotClass name applied to the badge `span` element if variant="dot".
standard.MuiBadge-standardClass name applied to the badge `span` element if variant="standard".
anchorOriginTopRight.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopRightClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }}.
anchorOriginBottomRight.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomRightClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }}.
anchorOriginTopLeft.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopLeftClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }}.
anchorOriginBottomLeft.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomLeftClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }}.
invisible.MuiBadge-invisiblePseudo-class applied to the badge `span` element if invisible={true}.
colorPrimary.MuiBadge-colorPrimaryStyles applied to the badge `span` element if color="primary".
colorSecondary.MuiBadge-colorSecondaryStyles applied to the badge `span` element if color="secondary".
colorError.MuiBadge-colorErrorStyles applied to the badge `span` element if color="error".
colorInfo.MuiBadge-colorInfoStyles applied to the badge `span` element if color="info".
colorSuccess.MuiBadge-colorSuccessStyles applied to the badge `span` element if color="success".
colorWarning.MuiBadge-colorWarningStyles applied to the badge `span` element if color="warning".
anchorOriginTopRightRectangular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopRightRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }} overlap="rectangular".
anchorOriginBottomRightRectangular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomRightRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }} overlap="rectangular".
anchorOriginTopLeftRectangular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopLeftRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }} overlap="rectangular".
anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }} overlap="rectangular".
anchorOriginTopRightCircular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopRightCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }} overlap="circular".
anchorOriginBottomRightCircular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomRightCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }} overlap="circular".
anchorOriginTopLeftCircular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopLeftCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }} overlap="circular".
anchorOriginBottomLeftCircular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomLeftCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }} overlap="circular".
overlapRectangular.MuiBadge-overlapRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if overlap="rectangular".
overlapCircular.MuiBadge-overlapCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if overlap="circular".

